What To Do When It Snows On Test Day!

LPOD Academy

08 December 2017

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Home Learners Practical Test

What To Do When It Snows On Test Day!

What To Do When It Snows On Test Day!


You have prepared for your driving test, you have prepped and preened your manoeuvres, and adhered to hours of advice from your driving instructor trainer, and have your SnapChat on high alert – ready to shout about your up-coming well hyped driving test pass! But – it is snowing on test day! What do you do?

OK – so the weather isn’t great, and forecasters have just about blown any form of motivation out of the window when you read about the looming snow, and of all days – when it just happens to be your driving test day! Please read and be sure to follow this advice if you are taking an intensive course in Daventry or anywhere else:


  1. Speak with your driving instructor – they will be able to advise you on what happens if it is snowing on test day!
  2. If it is snowing – be sure to contact the driving test centre to see if the tests have been cancelled for the day.
  3. If you have an early test appointment, 8 am or 9 am, it is not always possible to get hold of the driving test centre. You may need to get to to the test centre and turn up for your appointment. Otherwise, you may lose your fee.
  4. If it is snowing, it is unlikely that you will be doing your driving test. But please be advised, you do NEED confirmation from the driving test centre before you decide NOT to turn up for your appointment. Otherwise, you may lose your test fee and will have to pay for another driving test.
  5. If bad weather prevents you from getting to the driving test centre, but the test centre in question has NOT cancelled the driving test, you will lose your appointment. Please be sure that your appointment has been cancelled.
  6. Sometimes, in bad weather conditions, your driving instructor may struggle to pick you up, especially if there is heavy traffic, road works or if there has been an accident. Again, discuss this with your driving instructor in case they are NOT able to get you to your driving test appointment. You need to know whether they will pay for another test appointment, or whether you will end up forking out for this cost. Please check their business terms and conditions.
  7. If it is NOT snowing, but there is frost on the road, do NOT assume your driving test won’t be cancelled, again -discuss this with your driving instructor. Sometimes, the early test appointments will be cancelled but appointments later on in the day will still go ahead. The test centre manager will monitor the road conditions throughout the duration of the day.
  8. If your appointment is cancelled due to bad weather conditions, you WILL NOT be able to claim for expenses to your driving instructor from the DVSA. Your driving instructor may still charge you for their time. Again, please make sure you discuss this with your driving instructor prior to your driving test appointment.

So, if your driving test has been cancelled due to poor weather conditions, be sure to check with the DVSA when your next appointment has been scheduled. Also, do NOT forget to make sure your driving instructor is free to take you to the test.