You have to find out which course is best for you when deciding to do an intensive course. You will need to the first workout where you’re at with your driving. If you’re still unsure on what course is best for you, then below are some descriptions labeled as beginner, intermediate & experienced. Whether you need a beginner or refresher course, then we will have you covered! You can call us on 0800 112 3515 or use our course recommender quiz too.
Beginner – If you have very little experience driving a car, you may need to look at our Platinum / Gold courses. These courses are designed to help you cover all of the driving topics and go from A – Z in the driving syllabus. Courses can be 2 weeks long typically. You will need to be available for the most part of the day to ensure we can accommodate your diary.
Intermediate – Have you done some driving practice before and have stopped? You may want to continue your driving journey by booking our Silver Courses. These courses will help you brush up on your driving technique and go over that all-important driving test sheet! Boom a silver course today and continue your driving journey.
Experienced – An experienced driver like you usually needs our Bronze courses. If you have lots of training or not had much test training either, these courses are best for you. These courses are designed to overview your driving and go over any bad habits and areas of weakness prior to your driving test.