Are you unsure what course to take when deciding to do an intensive course? When deciding to do an intensive course, it is important to find out which course is best for you. You will need first to work out where you’re at with your driving if you’re unsure of what course is best for you. Below are some descriptions labelled as beginner, intermediate & experienced. Contact us today on 0800 112 3515 and we will be more than happy to advise on our course packages. If you need us to recommend a course for you, please visit our course recommender quiz!
Beginner – If you’re turning 17 soon and you have very little driving practice or have never driven a car before, you may look at our Gold / Platinum range of courses. Beginner courses are suitable for the new candidates who are keen to start off on the right path of driving. If you need to book time off or have limited time for these courses, then booking in advance is better as you can secure more preferable dates!
Intermediate – Are you frustrated because you’ve been driving on and off lately? Our Silver intensive courses may be best for you. These courses are designed to help you catch up to where you are currently at and help you continue your driving journey to the very end. We will help you go over the all-important driving test sheets to have a better chance of passing your test.
Experienced – Have you driven abroad and need to transfer to a UK licence or do you need to pass your driving test as you have one booked? No matter what your situation is, we can help. Our Bronze courses are curated to make all learner drivers test standard before they go to test. We can book in the hours around your schedule and book your practical test for the end of your course too.